(above: tip #1: don't show her your 'My Documents' folder during the first date)
5- 'Keep your crotch off here!'. Tip: Don't fix a Twister game in a date.
4- 'My face is up here!'. Before the date let her know you are eye-crossed.
3- 'Well, I ate a salad and drank one glass of tap water. You ate 3 lobsters, 2 bottles of champagne and caviar with platinum stuffing. Are you sure we should go halves with the bill?' If you already planned this as your second-to-last date you could reach an agreement. 40%-60% would be a great deal.
2- '"I love you, Maria Dolores"? Incidentally, my name is not Maria Dolores but Teresa Maria'. Not many pets are called Maria Dolores, thus is difficult to mend.
1- 'When you eat ham, is it considered to be cannibalism?' Too subtle. You'd never get that one.
THE WELSH PATIENT says: "The last sentence I was told in my last date was: 'Why aren't you wearing any clothes from your waist down?'"
La meva dona em mira malament quan em veu llegint la pantalla i partint-me de riure. Intento explicar-li el motiu però encara em mira pitjor. A veure si ens veiem el dia 21 a cole. Com que potser estaré de baixa per paternitat, faré un forat per venir a dinar i xerrem una estona. El teu blog és genial i et vull proposar alguns temes. Més que res per fer-la el més grossa possible.
Què vols dir que potser estaràs de baixa per paternitat? Que en Marçal ja no estarà sol? Si és així, enhorabona!
ReplyDeleteA veure si la setmana abans del 21 em passo pel cole i ens retroalimentem d'idees sense cap sentit del pudor ètnic o nacional.
Fins la setmana que ve!