(above: Such big... jugs? Oh, you're drinking beer as well!)
*MALE CHAUVINISM ALERT* (cr*p! just wrote it too late!)
Everyone knows that flirting with foreign people is really demanding. You have to know loads and loads of factors when approaching a man (if you are a woman or a male homosexual or a man who has suffered several surgery operations) or a woman (if you are the rest of people not noted before) from a foreign country.
In this blog, we (me and my monkey-scriptwriter who smokes big amounts of cigarettes and speaks French) are very concerned with main needs of living beings, i.e.: being born, growing, reproducing and dying.
Today, we are dealing with the third one. To do so, we are giving out 5 quotes you MUST say when facing a German (which as we all know, are from Germany) to break the ice.
5. "Hi, I'm Abraham! NO, don't put me into a gas chamber!" 'Abraham' can be swapped for 'Chartered accountant' or 'Harry Potter'
4. "Der wer zwei peanuts valking down the strasse, und denn von vas assaulted... peanut. Ho! Ho! Ho!" (c) 1969 Monty Python's Flying Circus
3. "I had a house in Berlin: it had 5 walls." That used to be top 1 before 1989.
2. "Ich bin ein fauler Hodensack." Literal translation: "I'm in love with you, darling"
1. "Do you want to see a proper Bratwurst?". This sentence is only applicable to men and/or special women.
If you can't get it done with those tips then you are a racist, have prejudice towards foreigners and stereotype nationalities.
THE WELSH PATIENT says: "In Barcelona that's easier: just give her a tenner"
Abans de valorar els diferents posts d'aquest blog, m'agradaria confirmar que la persona que l'escriu és qui penso. Isaac? Ets tu? Casalprim a l'aparell. Contesta!!
ReplyDeletePREMI! jajajaja Volia q la meva identitat quedés oculta pero la foto d'austin powers m'ha delatat! De fet la majoria de gent que llegeix aquest blog (però tanmateix no el segueix) quan llegeixin això es pensaran que som dos embriacs que premem tecles a l'atzar després d'una nit de partit internacional de rugby.
ReplyDeleteEncantat de rebre't a casa meva! Ara me'n vaig a la teva.
He de confessar que ahir a la nit em vaig trencar de riure. La meva dona es pensva que mirava l'apm? o alguna cosa similar perquè plorava de riure. Els teus textes són genials, no se pas qui t'ha ensennyat a escriure així, però tens futur. Ens anem llegint pels blocs.
ReplyDeleteUna abraçada i salut!
Hahahaha! Bestial! M'ha fet molta gracia! =D
ReplyDeleteBon blog! Congratualations!