(above: "C'mon comrades! Let's pin the bag with the dollar sign to the industrial bourgeois!")
"m8 im throwin a party n me house, well its not me house, its the state's :P u joinin?iosif"
"alright thn! who lse cummin? xoxo karl"
"tere's u, me n me housem8s vlad fidel mao. they cool!xxx iosif"
"mikhail not cummin? nice 1! fookin hate im... 2 liberalisin! n whats mo tht spot on his head's so ennoyin :) karl"
"omg karl! mikhail got me state computer 2 chek his fb n saw th msg! :( u btter apologise.iosif"
"o shite! so mbarrased...tell im were kmrades 4eva ;) karl"
Eventually, Mikhail didn't show up. He was in charge of the food... gutted. That party's such a FAIL!
THE WELSH PATIENT says: "I went to the conservative party. Was boring. Just cared about economical elites. Good canapes though."