When I set this blog up thought that the best way to introduce me to blogosphere was writing some (un)interesting facts about my relationship between the net and me.
- Somebody tagged me on a photo: turned out it wasn't me but anyway, according to Facebook I went to that party and I had a good time. Facebook CAN'T be wrong.
- I joined "I loved 21st November 1994 because something good happened to me" group (and I still don't regret about doing it).
- I commented on "Leave Britney Alone!" video by writing: "Leave Britney Alone! LOL".
- I poked M**** E**** and M**** E**** poked me back.
- I rated the video with a monkey pissing on his own mouth 5*. I found it hilarious.
- 3 months ago I realised how good Michael Jackson was and I downloaded Thriller and Billie Jean. If you haven't listened to them, you should.
I can't complain about my life. I feel special.
THE WELSH PATIENT says: "I feel special ROTFLMAO".
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