(above: alright, let's ignore the woman on the right hand side has no age/belly/shirt to wear such piercing. Oh, look! An elderly man laughing at you in the foreground!)
It has been a while I haven't focused on manners towards elderly people. Since Britain has been deliberately isolated from the rest of Euroscum, European social trends have arrived a bit later to the islands and it's my duty, yet I come from the old -and dirty- continent, to bring all these trends here and make Britons aware of what they're missing out at the moment.
Today's trend involves, surprisingly, elderly people. Often you listen to some elderly -which incidentally is out of date in Europe, everyone who listens to old is an outsider- complaining about their health, especially their back. The European trend is, if you by chance listen to one of those complaining about their spine, drop an Euro -a Pound's way better- to the floor and when he goes and bends over to get it you might either come across one of these options:
1. He gets the coin and gets back to his original standing position. In such case you should ask politely the money back and then swear at him and his relatives regarding his incoherence between his previous statements in relation to his health and his actual state of health.
2. While he is bending over he gets stuck at a certain disgraceful position and he'll ask for your help. In such case you should say that you are in a hurry, get the coin, stick your bum up to his face and fire and then leave.
Look how good social peace is in Europe nowadays. We should follow their example. Not everything down there is despicable.
THE WELSH PATIENT says: 'What do you mean? Everything in Europe is outstanding! When I went to Amsterdam I eventually found true love... at a reasonable price, eventually'
The ecology of island ecosystems is vastly different from that of mainland communities. Their isolation and high availability of empty niches leads to increased the speciation. Because they are (usually) simple systems, islands provide an opportunity to study processes of extinction that can be extrapolated to larger ecosystems.
ReplyDeleteMae hyn yn wir i dynion hefyd.
oh, cheers, man. but to be honest, I can't speak a word of welsh, as well as the vast majority in Wales. it's sad, I know, but that's the way it is. thanks google translator
ReplyDeletesalut i força al canut. gràcies per visitar-me... ets un dels grans de la ja difunta odisfera!!!
Veig que et defenses prou bé en català!
ReplyDeleteEts gal·lès o català?
sóc un gironí estudiant de primer any de periodisme per la universitat de cardiff. així que es podria dir que sóc català de jure però sóc britànic de facto.
ReplyDeleteRecords als meus parents guiris!